Monday 20 September 2010

Marketing Campaigns

What is a marketing campaign and why is it needed?

Filmmaking is an extremely expensive business. In order for feature films to be successful they need to have large takings and interest. Films often have little showing time in the cinema, therefore they need to get as many people interested in the film before it is actually released. The marketing campaign plays a vital role in informing potential audiences about a
film with the soul purpose of encouraging people to see the film a the cinema once it is released.

Distributors want their films to be as successful as possible and therefore use strong marketing campaigns in order to raise interest about their film.

What are the major elements of a film marketing campaign?

The major elements of a film marketing campaign are:
Trailers play a vital role in the marketing campaign for a feature film. They give the viewer a 2 minute 30 second sneak preview of the film and a designed to entice the audience and to get them to want to watch the full film when it is released at the cinema.
Trailers can now be viewer anywhere in the world anytime, thanks to the use of the internet and modern day smart phones.

During a films marking campaign a number of posters can be created and distributed to create interest in the film., These include: Teasers poster, Character posters, and more recently motion posters.

Teaser posters or advanced posters are a promotional poster which includes a basic image and design without revieling too much information such as the plot, theme or characters. Its purpose is to incite awareness and generate hype for the film. A tag line is very often included in the poster alone with a release date.

Websites play a huge role in the marketing campaign on feature films. Websites are becoming more and more feature packed and animated and film marketing teams have taken advantage of this. Websites now have links to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Film website also can include promotional games, trailers, character interviews etc...anything to help promote the film.
I will be producing a website to help promote the film that i will be making. I will be looking at what feature i can include in the website to make it as feature packed as possible.

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