Monday 17 January 2011

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

What audience feedback did I use?

Click the
picture to visit the web page
I used a wide variety of tools to gain large amount of audience feedback. I used audience feedback for all three of my products (The documentary, radio trailer and double age listings spread) were accompanied by questionnaire to help evaluate the final products that were produced. This data was then collected to give an overall evaluation by my audience of my three products. I also used focus groups throughout the development process. I met regularly with my focus group to receive constructive criticism on the development of my products.

What did I learn from my audience feedback?

My audience feedback aided me throughout the production of my products. I was able to use the constructive criticism given to me by my focus group to tweak my products to fit the target audience.
On many occasions I was able to show a number of people my products, these ranged from class mates, all the way up to industry expects (eg, BBC Essex, Industry Camera Man, production teams etc)
The feedback I got from everyone was really great and such a help when it came to the editing and production of the final products.

From my audience feedback I was able to obtain a number of results which I then used to better my products.

After watching my documentary, I asked people to go to the website shown above to fill in a short questionnaire. 126 people took part in the questionnaire and the feedback I received was great!

You can see from the pie chart on the left that when asked how useful people found my documentary, 89% of people gave it the highest possible rating (Very Useful). No-one out of the 126 people asked rates it as "Not Very" or "Okay".

My audience feedback showed me that my viewers were able to relate to the topic and were able to take on board what was being said and learn from it. From my focus group I learnt that they believe that having a presenter of similar age range to the audience also help the audience to be able to relate to the programme and improve the connection between the programme and the viewer.

My focus group described my documentary as being "Professional" constantly both following and challenging "conventions". It was noted that I took consideration of the 1920's theory of the "The Hypodermic Needle" more so in my radio trailer than in anything else, but the idea that I could use my media text to pass information to a mass audience unmediated, and to make them listen and take no of the importance of the topic, was still important throughout my documentary.
One focus group member was noted as saying "Throughout the documentary you have always kept in mind your clear Ideology of teen drivers and safe driving"

Throughout the development and production of my products, as the producer of my media texts i have always had in mind the way I wanted the products to look, and have therefore designed the products with a certain meaning in mind. My "Preferred Reading" was that people who watch my documentary understand the importance of safe driving, and take the knowledge they have learnt from my documentary out on the roads with them whenever they are in a car. I would hope that the audience are able to decrypt this preferred reading and understand the message I am trying to convey.

Finally, something I felt to be a hugely important point in the production of the documentary was one of Representation. I wanted to make sure that people felt I had represented teen drivers fairly in my documentary. I asked my focus group if the believed that the representation of teen drivers in my documentary was a fair one, and all members agreed that It was a fair representation.

Monday 10 January 2011

Added Feature - BBC IPlayer

This is is an extra for my package:
This is a mock of the BBC Iplayer webite, which feature my Documentary "18 And Driving" as the main program.

<- Click the image to enlarge

Thursday 6 January 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Below is a video answering the above evaluation question. The video covers a number of asked to do with all three of my products and explains how my two ancillary texts are used to compliment and advertise my main product (The Documentary).

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Evaluating my Product

In what ways does my media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Video on Way :)

Monday 3 January 2011

Creating a TV Listings Magazine

Ancillary Text - TV Listings Double Page Spread

I have started creating one of my ancillary texts which is a double page spread from a TV Listings Magazine. I have decided to make the main feature of the double page spread the advertisement for my documentary, with other information about other program around the outside.

I have started by creating the main feature in the middle of the page which i have called "Pick Of The Day", which is a term commonly used in TV Listings to suggest to readers the best program to watch on that day.
I have then created a boarder which goes with the theme of driving (Black and Yellow) and then have made the title look like "Police Line Do Not Cross" tape. I have also added a best watch badge to emphasize the point that this is not a program to watch. Finally I have added the program details and a short description of what the documentary is about.

The Finished Product

Below is the finished double page spread of a TV lis
tings page which features my documentary as its main feature:
As you can see, my finished TV Listings double page spread shows TV listings for 5 channels (BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4 and Five), and also features a "pick of the day" in the middle of the page, which I have used to advertise my documentary.