Tuesday 30 November 2010

Planning: My Target Audience

My Target Audience

The audience that my documentary will be aimed at is young drivers ageing from between 17-25. The age group that i am looking to watch my documentary fall between this bracket of 17-25, however i am also aware that my documentary may be something that parents of young drivers wish to watch, either with or without their children. The documentary is not targeted particularly at a certain gender, and is meant for both males and females, but some parts of it will concentrate on male behaviour. I am aware that my documentary has a rather specific target audience, but aim to make it so that anyone who watches my documentary will feel that they have learnt a lesson about road safety.

Monday 29 November 2010

New 25 word pitch

I know a while back i was asked to write a 25 word pitch for my original idea, which i did, but i thought it might be a good idea, now that i have changed my idea, to come up with a new pitch...so here it is:

"A documentary produced by a young driver, aimed at young drivers to teach them about the dangers when getting behind the wheel of a car."

Exactly 25 words...and exactly the aim of my documentary :)

Thursday 25 November 2010

Researching My Topic

Researching My Topic
Young Drivers

Research obviously plays a key role in my documentary and over the past few days I have been looking closely into the facts and figures of road safety and young drivers.
To do this I have visited a number of website, but the one which has aided me the most in my research is the DTF (Department For Transport) website. In which I have been able to download and use a number of helpful PDF's.
The DFT releases annually a document called "Reported Road Casualties". But within the document it reveals pretty much all the stats and figures about Britain's Roads, right down the the finer detail.

These PDF documents have been crucial in my research stage and I have taught me so much I didn't know about the road safety and the astonishing figures. It is now my job, to carry out the very hard task of portraying these figures in a way that people will realise the major problems occurring on our roads every day.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Research Into Documentaries

Research Into Documentaries

Below I have created a video presentation in which I explain my research into documentaries.
Within the presentation I look at a number of things including:
  • History of Documentaries
  • Codes and Conventions
  • Examples I have looked at
  • Institutions
  • Exhibition and Distribution of documentaries
Please Play Video Below

Saturday 20 November 2010

Changing My Idea

I started both the filming and editing process for my original idea of a Film Trailer, but soon found myself wanting to move away from creating a film trailer. Although I enjoyed filming some of the scenes of my film trailer, i couldn't help but feel that the footage that was being produced was not up to the standard that i know i am able to achieve.
This then lead me to think about what else I could do for my project...

I have always been interested in Road Safety and the effects that dangerous driving has on our society and have always wanted to explore that facts behind the reason there are so many incidents on the roads of Great Britain.
I have therefore decided to create a short documentary in which I will be exploring Road Safety.

Being a young 18 year old male driver, I really do want to understand and portray the reasons why my age and sex bracket are the most likely to have an accident and why where are having to pay so much in insurance to drive in the first place.

I will be trying my absolute best to portray everything I find in this projects, but also my emotions and feelings towards what I find. I plan to undertake a number of stages including extensive research, interviews with people effected by RTC's (Road Traffic Collisions), Talks with the police etc.
My aims is to fit in as much information in the time I have, but to avoid the documentary from being "just another boring documentary".

Click play below for a brief overview of why I have decided to change my idea:

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Opening Sequence Audio

Below is the audio of a telephone conversation which will be used in the first few seconds of my film trailer. The audio is of a call to "999" (the emergency services) and straight away sets the scene of the trailer.
Click below to listen to the 25 second clip of the audio

Monday 15 November 2010

Major Props on Set

Props on Set

Through-out the filming of the trailer we will be using two types of cars. The first is a marked BMW essex police vehicle, and the second is an unmarked Ford Fiesta Zetec S.
The Fiesta will also be used as a camera car during the high paced car scene.

On set we will be using two actors in full police uniform as well as other actors/actresses in plain clothes.

Filming will take place at the nightclub on a busy Friday night. Everyone who enter the club will know that they are being filmed for the trailer, and although most of the scenes you see will be real, some scenes inside the club will be stages for entertainment purposes.

Location Shots

Outside Location Shots


This is a shot of the outside of the nightclub that I am using for the majority of the footage.
Shots of both the inside and the outside of the nightclub will be used in the trailer.
Because my film trailer is based around a nightclub, the trailer will be shot at night time. However i decided to shoot my location shots in the daylight, so that the locations can be clearly seen.


This is a location shot of the road that will be used during the police seen. One or two police cars will speed past the screen from left to right with full blue lights and sirens. This will help to create a tension and a fast pace scene.

Monday 8 November 2010

My Animatic

This is the Animatic I created of the first 6 shots of my trailer. The aim of my trailer is to establish the scene and then to build up as much suspense as possible.

Tuesday 2 November 2010


**Please note blogger sometimes jumps to this post when on this page, if it has done this to you....please scroll up to see my other posts**

Below is an online questionnaire that I have created. Please fill out the following questionnaire and click submit when you have completed it.

My Focus Group

This is a short presentation about my focus group. The presentation introduces the three individuals i have in my focus group and what I expect to get out of my focus group.