Saturday 20 November 2010

Changing My Idea

I started both the filming and editing process for my original idea of a Film Trailer, but soon found myself wanting to move away from creating a film trailer. Although I enjoyed filming some of the scenes of my film trailer, i couldn't help but feel that the footage that was being produced was not up to the standard that i know i am able to achieve.
This then lead me to think about what else I could do for my project...

I have always been interested in Road Safety and the effects that dangerous driving has on our society and have always wanted to explore that facts behind the reason there are so many incidents on the roads of Great Britain.
I have therefore decided to create a short documentary in which I will be exploring Road Safety.

Being a young 18 year old male driver, I really do want to understand and portray the reasons why my age and sex bracket are the most likely to have an accident and why where are having to pay so much in insurance to drive in the first place.

I will be trying my absolute best to portray everything I find in this projects, but also my emotions and feelings towards what I find. I plan to undertake a number of stages including extensive research, interviews with people effected by RTC's (Road Traffic Collisions), Talks with the police etc.
My aims is to fit in as much information in the time I have, but to avoid the documentary from being "just another boring documentary".

Click play below for a brief overview of why I have decided to change my idea:

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