Thursday 25 November 2010

Researching My Topic

Researching My Topic
Young Drivers

Research obviously plays a key role in my documentary and over the past few days I have been looking closely into the facts and figures of road safety and young drivers.
To do this I have visited a number of website, but the one which has aided me the most in my research is the DTF (Department For Transport) website. In which I have been able to download and use a number of helpful PDF's.
The DFT releases annually a document called "Reported Road Casualties". But within the document it reveals pretty much all the stats and figures about Britain's Roads, right down the the finer detail.

These PDF documents have been crucial in my research stage and I have taught me so much I didn't know about the road safety and the astonishing figures. It is now my job, to carry out the very hard task of portraying these figures in a way that people will realise the major problems occurring on our roads every day.

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