Wednesday 1 December 2010

Script For 18 And Driving

Below is a small part of the script for my documentary "18 And Driving". The script has already played a key role in my documentary, and later on in this post I will explain how new and advancing technology has enabled me to really use my script to its full potential.

As you will see from the script below, I used the script more as a running order rather than for what I would say word for word. Although i did have most of my lines in the script, I used it to set out the way I want things to go:
How technology enabled me to make full use of my script
On of the absolute god gifts I have access to thought the production of my documentary is the Apple Ipad. The Ipad has enabled me to really use my script to the full potential, and it real is clear my BBC programmes have equipped their presenters with one even when they are live on TV (BBC F1 - Jake Humphrey). The Ipad enabled me to have my script in-front of me just seconds before I went in-front of the was even used as an auto-cue in one of the shots. It also means that because it is connected to the internet, no matter where i am shooting, I always have the latest version of my script with me.
The Ipad has also opened up the opportunities that are there for me, for will be extremely useful, during an interview to play a video to the person i am interviewing on the Ipad to have them comment about what they see. These sorts of things are invaluable!!

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