Monday 20 December 2010

Ancillary Text - Radio Advert For Documentary

Ancillary Text - Radio Advert For 18 And Driving

As part of my project, I have had to do two ancillary texts as well as the 5 minute extract from my documentary. One of these ancillary texts was to create a radio advert for my documentary. Below you can hear the radio advert that I have made, and I have put it in contexts of how it may appear if on a radio show:

Southend Radio 105.1 - Playing 18 And Driving Advert

The Making of The Radio Advert
The radio advert was relatively easy to make, especially when using a mac. I used GarageBand on a mac to produce the radio advert.
I started off with a clip of the car crash sound that you hear at the beginning of the clip. After adding in some screams, and other sound effects including crying at the end, I quickly had the background audio to which I was going to record over with my voice.
Surprisingly the most trick thing of the whole advert was getting my voice to sound right with the audio clip in the background. When i first started recording and overlaying my voice, the two clips just didn't go together. It just sounded so obvious that I was recording in a studio and with a high quality microphone.
However after playing around with setting and voice changers, I was able to make my voice fit in more, and sound as if i was also at the accident as it happens in the audio behind.

Once I created my advert, the rest was relatively simple, I exported it, and then went away and recorded some clips from my local radio station (Southend Radio). I then imported the clips into GarageBand, and slotted in my advert so make it sound as if my advert had been aired on the radio.

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